Sunday, October 31, 2021

Do You Know?

We live in a time where some believe because of association or status. My question is not based on the physical we may see such as knowing the barber or handyman down the street. How much do you know about the love of Christ?  Let’s talk about the experience.  Jesus Christ is the reason you can have an abundant life. Can you call Him friend? Prayerfully you can say, yes. We are all brought for a price and that is through the blood of Jesus.  (Read: 1 Cor. 6:20)  Literally, paid in full with His blood.  Therefore, we are to honor and glorify God.

We have been given a gift and we did not work for it. Wow, you were thought of before you knew Jesus. Why do we move so slowly when God speaks. Do you know God’s voice? Man says this or that and we move, jump, and run to do. It is true, we do.  Who do you trust without a doubt?  Stop putting all your trust in man and trust all things from God. This not to say that you never trust anyone, but be wise in who and what we trust in.  Have confidence in the Lord. No matter what—Trust God. Man gives you no guarantee.

In your times of trouble, do you know to call Jesus? 

He is your help in times of need.

He is your power when week.

He is your voice when speechless.

He is your vision when sightless.

He is your everything.

Yield to His Will and call on Him.  He will always have a better way.  Is your way working? Do you believe He is working it out? Are you sure you are following His Word?  Remember trials and tabulation may come but God is in control. He will not leave you in the wilderness or lead you to failure—When we allow Him to guide us!  Take the path He sent you to navigate and keep going. Move with urgency and eyes on Christ Jesus.  (Read: Hebrews 12:1-2)   Start a relationship today or strengthen the one you have with the Lord.  

Read: John 14:6, 1 John 4:10, John 17:3

May the riches treasures of the Lord be upon you.

Sister Melissa


Stay Focused and Be Blessed!