Saturday, May 7, 2022

Celebrate Mom

 Mothers have a very special place in our hearts. 


You are our hero in times of need,
Our friend and confidante.
You are our coach in times preparation,
Our person that saves the day.
So we give you your flowers today.

Happy Mother’s Day!  Enjoy your celebration day.


Read: 1 Timothy 5:2 - We can learn from women of all ages.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

What is wrong with holiness?

Holiness should be what we know.  Why do some believe holiness is not attainable? We wonder how we shifted so far off course in our Christian walk.  Well, holiness did not disappear, we left holiness.  Believers should long to be holy as we long to be Christ like. We must understand Christ walked in holiness and to be like Christ you must adapt to a life of holiness.  Thank the Lord for grace and mercy. Look back over your life and you will find grace kept you and mercy saved you more often than you knew at the time. We have so much to thank the Lord for every day.  Your life will require commitment, focus and studying God’s Word. Remember Love has great power.

Read: 1 Peter 1:13-25

Let’s understand that holiness for man does not mean you have never sinned.  God knows we have sinned but we have a responsibility to work to return and stay in right relationship with Him. God is holy, therefore we must be holy.   Holiness is not the problem. Read: Leviticus 19:2

Our lives belong to God.  We honor him by following the Word and being a good witness of his love and truth. Our lives are to be set apart and free of sin. You (body) are a temple and God’s spirit resides within you. Avoid allowing the snares of sins shift you away from striving to be holy.  God is your fortress and your light in times of darkness and struggle.  His arms are ready to catch you and plant your back on his solid foundation. Praise the Lord for all that he does to love on you and protect you in your journey.

Determine what things are holding you hostage to sin. I encourage you to leave behind the gossip and anger, trickery and gluttony, pride and greed, drunkenness and fornication, lust and envy… all things not of God. Ask yourself “what sin am I guilty of?” Have I not acknowledged it to refrain from living in the darkness of sin?  Do I know and refuse to change or let go?  Reading scripture will help you to recognize those things you need to let go.  There must be a change to move into holiness.  We must tame our flesh every day. Yes, it is difficult on your own but with God’s help your success is possible. Avoid becoming comfortable or preferring disobedience instead of living in faith and welcoming good change.  Today is the day—make the change. You can live better and step up above the pit. Glory to God for his love and care even when we have not treated God well.  Call on Him!


Emancipated from your sins. God’s forgives with repentance. 

Be ye loosed of sin and death. Holiness is possible. 



Read: 1 John 1:9, Rom. 6:2, 3

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!