Saturday, December 31, 2022



Expect better and greater in the New Year! 

Sunday, December 11, 2022


 Hello Beautiful People,

I pray that all is well with you and your family.  I am in a causal mode of conversation today. It has been a busy 2 months and I was tired during the Thanksgiving Holiday. It is okay, it is all good.  Busy as a bee, I was doing what I was tasked to do.  I survived the additional work but I believe I will need new tires. LOL  A few days before the holiday I was helping with an emergency situation.  It always tough when these things happen around family holidays. In the mist working through four deaths in my backyard of family and a friend. Well, I found myself not feeling well the day before Thanksgiving. I was aware of illness within the emergency family situation I was helping. I will be honest I felt it coming and did my best to be rid of whatever it was. I thought I did, until all was done and I returned home around 7 pm. I spent most of Thanksgiving at home and I dashed out only to pick up a plate of food.  I checked for covid-19 and I was negative. I finally had to visit the Patient First, my headache was terrible on the drive. There was a line of people at 8:00 am and they were not open yet.  You are thinking okay, people get sick…what is your point. 

I sat waiting thinking all this running around and helping this one and that one and I get sick. As I mentioned, I was tired. If you know me tired or not, if someone needs help I will help.  Yet, I was still thinking about things I needed to do in the waiting room.  All is well, I had a sinus infection. I can work with that… easily treatable. God knew I needed rest for the heavy week ahead. The illness was coming but I thank God for the buffer is was not the worst that could have happened.  After the holiday I saw the family again and they were so thankful for my time and the encouragement I gave them.  They wondered if I celebrated Thanksgiving and hoped it was good. It was, I rested. LOL 

I found a book mark the following week in my jacket pocket the receptionist gave me at the Patient First.  So, I am sharing this to say never doubt that an act of kindness doesn’t inspire and encourage. We are to be extensions of God’s Love.  Let us not be so busy that we see or know a need and don’t pause to offer help.  Remember that so many things are happening positive and negative but avoid being blind to helping others. This is the message I want you to remember: 

Make Your Mark with KINDNESS        

You have infinite potential to inspire others.      -  Patient First VA


My friends do what Jesus did!  It is all about the LOVE.

Blessing to You and Your Family!    #LoveRulesTheDay

God is Love read..  1 John 4:7-21