Sunday, January 8, 2023

Receive the Power: Change Breaks Chains

 Welcome 2023!

We have seen a complete 7 days come and go on this 8th day of January.  Those things you have not accomplished in 2022, continue going forward.  There is no reason to give up when God has given you the assignment.  Pause, reflect and chose to continue to follow God.  Everything has a reason called to God’s timing.  Fret not if you have things to do.  Be encouraged, no one said it would be easy.  The challenges you face will give you strength to move forward—Believe.

Remember this, nothing but the blood of Jesus can give hope and peace.  Give him all your troubles and see what he does.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.     Isaiah 43:19 (KJV) 

It is time to move into your assigned position and stand on the Word of God.  What God has for you is a blessing He designed before you were aware or even ready. The problems and interruptions that visited your door in 2022— they’re no match for God! No worries. Simply Believe and Trust God. Let go of any disappointment… the finances, problems in marriages, loss jobs or problem on the job, backslidden family members, broken or no relationships.  You must believe deep down in your gut that God has the solution already worked out. Have patience and keep moving forward. If you look back, learn from the past.  Are you the one? Be the one with a “crazy praise” and “insane faith” like no one else. Tell the Lord “Thank you.”  

Let God turn things around for your good. God has given you Power—use it. Change is necessary and it can break barriers. Avoid wasting time wondering what the “someone else received or did.”  Avoid focusing on what you loss and remember what it still in front of you.  God will increase and bring change.  Seek God to increase your HOPE – TRUST– FAITH in 2023. God has great things in store for you.  Step out in faith; you must move to receive.  If God said it, go for it—it is yours. Believe.  

2022 was the start of many wonderful blessings. I say again, “check fear and unworthiness at the door.” Expect greater and amazing doors to be opened in 2023. It is in the power of your obedience and belief. Identify the change.


God is working miracles. Believe!