Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Time to Change: Managing What We Do Part 2

My last post was very direct and meant to spark an immediate thought process for you. It weighted heavy on my heart it would be taken harshly. I write out of what is shown and given to me. It was done out of love and concern.  My messages are always intended to encourage and enlighten. I hope that everyone is considering doing a self-check on how you can live better and increase your work for Christ.  We will move on with understanding the urgency of making a change in 2020.  The coronavirus (COVID-19) is another wound added to the fight to be right with Jesus Christ.  We will survive, and endure the aches of growth in time.

Give God praise and honor for another day. Today, you have an opportunity to rethink, recharge, and succeed in your new journey. Let’s take a look at managing our spending for this crisis and moving forward. Stay in prayer for guidance.

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”   ~ Zephaniah 3:17

Start with reviewing your spending habits. What type of items are we purchasing or services we are paying for currently?  Do a quick inventory of your purchases of “I wanted items” and “I/we needed items.” Do you see an unbalanced list of more “wants” compared to things that are truly needed? Decide what things you can start to eliminate.  Specifically, things you have not used in 9 months or more (e.g., gym membership).  Review service plans to consider a less expensive package, unless you use all the benefits consistently and they are needed. 

Spending on the absolutely needed items are your next challenge. Prices are on the rise due to the current state of the nation.  Use practical techniques to expand the use of your money.  Purchase food items that can give you a meal for 2-3 days. Yes, it will be time to take the tasty steak and crab cakes off the grocery list for a month or two.  Eliminate the five course meals to help reduce cost. Treat yourself with healthy snacks in moderation between meals as needed. Plan your meals for the week.  It will help you with purchasing only needed items when you return to the grocery store. The bonus will be that you can control the increase in your grocery bill on food purchases, not the price.

Warning to the online shoppers…stay focused.  Many companies are offering sales and deals on all kinds of items.  Be realistic with your spending. We are housebound for the moment. Think twice on things that you could have used when you were able to adhere to your regular daily schedule. Save it for later. Your regular budget is taking a big hit for a little while.

You can do this with confidence and grace.  No fear and no worries, put God first.

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”  ~Psalm 34:4

Always remember: Our God is FAITHFUL!  Who will you TRUST

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Time to Change: Managing What We Do

Good afternoon Saints, 

Obedience was our first step in my last post to changing in a time of desperation and hardship.  God expects and deserve our obedience.  If you say you love the Lord, then follow his Word. Plain and simple.  Will it be easy, no? Bad habits and somethings we have not thought about are disobedient actions. While we work to change our actions and attitudes, there is work to do in step 2 with our money, time, and life management skills. Times are urgent and correction is necessary.  You may be wondering what is there to manage, "I am out of work" or "receiving a reduced pay." Are you thinking, “I am broke and have nothing to manage at this point.” Manage what you have to today and move forward.

“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”    ~Luke 12:15 (NIV)

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”                 ~ Matthew 6:25 

Saints the following will not be sweet as sugar, but the sting of a cut depending on how it hits home. Your personal task will vary and the degree of change need, but You Can Do It. The emphasis is to help us and prompt us to strive for better if we just reflect honestly and take action.  God wants us to have the very best of what He offers.

1.  Review your spending habits on the things you purchased or paying out on now.  Do you have more cars than necessary?  Do you have memberships that are not being used? Did you sign-up for Netflix, since you have more time at home? STOP! Think for a moment and write it down.

2.  You are working from home now, what are you purchasing during this pandemic time?  Did you purchase an abundance of snacks, and drinks or luxury meats—you are going to be cooking, right? STOP! Think for a moment and write it down.

3.  Check your time management skills.  I am working at home or maybe not, and everyone is at home too.  What is the first thing you do to Thank God each day?  How much time do you really spend with your child (ren) now? Is your house cleaner or did you finish reading the three books you started?  STOP! Think for a moment and write it down.

4.  Reconnect your family with spiritual guidance and fellowship.  How long ago was it when the entire family prayed together in your home?  Can your child (ren) recall a scripture that will encourage them?  How many times did you tell your child (ren) or husband you loved them today? STOP! Think for a moment and write it down.

5.  Slow down and make a plan. Have you planned your meals for the week? Do you allow everyone to do whatever and eat whatever they want all day? What life skill have you planned to teach your child (ren) about this pandemic? Can your family survive with less luxury?  STOP! Think for a moment and write it down.

Yes, this does hit hard. I pondered over this message. However, over the last 2 days I received many confirmations to present it as it was given.  We will breakdown money, time, and life management skills and give some tools to help. To start: Tell yourself “I want to live better and wiser.”  Teach yourself and your family how to be discipline with the necessary things in life.  Teach each other's how to love better and acknowledge that GOD is YOUR everything.

Always remember: Our God is FAITHFUL!  Who will you TRUST

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Monday, March 23, 2020

Send a Word of Encouragement

Good afternoon Saints,

It was just on my heart to send out a few words of encouragement. We all need encouragement, and a friendly reminder on occasion of how awesome God is.  Saints it is our personal responsibility to pass the torch on to lift someone else up.  Sometimes we may not have enough time to call or visit everyone, but a brief text or email can do wonders to help a wounded or weak spirit.   

Be that light of the Word that shines just enough to spark the Glory of the Lord in someone’s day.

Read to keep yourself in a spirit of hope and absolute faith in the Lord.  Remember Saints, fear has no power over the promises of GOD.

Philippians 4:6-8
Matthew 6:25-34
Psalm 27:1
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 91
Proverbs 12:25
Psalm 46:1-2

For those who are at home working or maybe not, take the time to increase your reading and faith.  The news and updates can be helpful, but also create anxiety if you are already struggling with other issues prior to this temporary health issue in the nation.  Simply exercise wisdom and stay in the hope of the Word. Do better with taking precautions and taking care of your health.

Reach out to a family member, friend, or neighbor and encourage them periodically.  We are all in this race together, so extend a heartfelt blessing to help others stay on course.

Always remember:  Our God is FAITHFUL!    Who will you TRUST

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Time to Change

Good evening Saints,

We are in the midst of an unprecedented time of crises regarding the health of the nation.  The rise of the infamous coronavirus-19 is crippling many counties, and the USA. Yes, we are seeing tough times and massive disturbance in what we may have called our “usual daily lives.”  Simply, there is nothing usual about each new day we are given.  Regardless, of what man has done or did not do. God is still in control; nothing more nothing less.

There is a point in life that we realize obedience and trust in God is a must do.  Let’s start with our disobedience, Step 1.  In order be obedient we must get to know God, trust His Word, and have hope.  Saints must realize that God is waiting on us.  He is a loving God and will do what He has always promised. The children of God shall want or need for nothing, if you just trust Him.  A change is needed, and your opportunity to rebuild your foundation going forward is now.

My brothers and sisters this is your time to make a change in all areas of your life. Pray and seek God more constantly. Be the light in times of darkness. Pray and fast to rid yourselves of those unspoken and hidden sins.  Yes, we all have them.  If you believe that you do not, the Word says you are a fool in denial.  No disrespect, but it is true.    

“And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.”       ~ Matthew 7:26 (ESV)

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”   ~ Matthew 7:24  (ESV)

Praise God for today and every day.  Your praise will be the fire that helps you through. 

Always remember:  Our God is FAITHFUL!    Who will you TRUST? 

Stay Focused and Be Blessed! 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Believe in the Power of Prayer

Saints must stand on the power of prayer. We focus our attention on Christ and the truth in God’s Word.  He is not a God who lies. Revelation 1:17, tells us "Jesus says do not be afraid, I am the first and the last." We are called to find peace in Jesus.

When you are unsure pray.
If you are in fear pray.
When you are feeling lost pray.
If you are in despair pray.
When you are hurting pray.
Saints at all times pray.
God hears and knows all, therefore we are a protected and a loved people.

James 1:1-13 (Read to understand trails and tribulation)

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”                         ~ James 1:5-8 (NIV)

Saints we do not want the enemy to throw doubt and questions of uncertainty in our spirit.  Therefore, all ye children of God pray, and continue to pray for others and yourselves.  Darkness does not rule the earth, nor man unless we give up.  When you do not see God’s purpose in allowance of trials and tribulation, ask for wisdom. Sorrow may come, but comfort can be found in Jesus. God’s allows His purpose to been known, and expects his people to learn to trust and be obedient to Him alone.

Remember these encouraging words from your brothers:

Paul states nothing or a person can separate us from Gods love.
James says trust God in all your trails.
John tells us that we may have tribulation in the world but Jesus has overcome.   

Stay Focused and Be Blessed! 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Lord Teach Us to Pray

Are you teachable?  Can you genuinely and honestly admit you need help?  Become a powerful prayer warrior for our own survival.  Pray to move mountains, pray to receive healing, and pray that God will bring you out of trouble. Call on God through prayer. God wants us to call Him.  Saints understand that prayer always involves an encounter with God. It is good to have that intimate time with God to hear, learn, and be encouraged.  Prayer cost nothing, it only takes a few moments of your time. Learn to be an advocate for yourself through prayer.  Humble yourself and open your hearts to the Lord; he will answer.  To God be the Glory.

 “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”    ~ Luke 11:1 (NIV)

The power of prayer is everyone’s weapon.  However, do you know how to pray?  The disciples could have asked to be taught how to witness or preach.  Instead, they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.  In a time of need and desperation, pray, pray, and pray.   The Lord already has a solution. He just needs your invitation to take total control back, and finish the work.  Pray during your situations that seem hopeless and painful, but also pray when you come out.  Prayer is not just needed when you are in a mess.  It is crucial to pray all the time to “keep you steady”.  Saints we become weary when we have no power be steadfast and see a better day ahead.  Remember saints that God can speak to any situation through your fervent prayer.  Take the first step as the disciples did, “ask the Lord to teach you how to pray.”

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!