Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Time to Change

Good evening Saints,

We are in the midst of an unprecedented time of crises regarding the health of the nation.  The rise of the infamous coronavirus-19 is crippling many counties, and the USA. Yes, we are seeing tough times and massive disturbance in what we may have called our “usual daily lives.”  Simply, there is nothing usual about each new day we are given.  Regardless, of what man has done or did not do. God is still in control; nothing more nothing less.

There is a point in life that we realize obedience and trust in God is a must do.  Let’s start with our disobedience, Step 1.  In order be obedient we must get to know God, trust His Word, and have hope.  Saints must realize that God is waiting on us.  He is a loving God and will do what He has always promised. The children of God shall want or need for nothing, if you just trust Him.  A change is needed, and your opportunity to rebuild your foundation going forward is now.

My brothers and sisters this is your time to make a change in all areas of your life. Pray and seek God more constantly. Be the light in times of darkness. Pray and fast to rid yourselves of those unspoken and hidden sins.  Yes, we all have them.  If you believe that you do not, the Word says you are a fool in denial.  No disrespect, but it is true.    

“And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.”       ~ Matthew 7:26 (ESV)

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”   ~ Matthew 7:24  (ESV)

Praise God for today and every day.  Your praise will be the fire that helps you through. 

Always remember:  Our God is FAITHFUL!    Who will you TRUST? 

Stay Focused and Be Blessed! 

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