Sunday, May 31, 2020

Life on Earth

Life on earth has many challenges, but we hold on to the witness of the life of Jesus Christ.  What does God’s Word have for you? Are you the blind man who now sees, the woman who suffered with the issue of blood or Saul the born again sinner?  Regardless, of how many years you have survived on this earth you must continue to grow in the Word.  The Word of God should encourage and enlighten you each time you open your heart to receive. What is for me will not be the same enlightenment to you in our individual journey.  The common factor will be the Love of Christ and through Grace we have a better outcome in life.  Read: Ephesians 4:7

When God gives clear direction we must be obedient.  It does not matter what the assignment is, follow God.  Whatever we face, God had gone before us and prepared the way.  Be strong and courageous. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Life on this earth is temporary, so make the best of your time here.  He is our source for protection and true love. Trust God in everything.  Your relationships, career, finances and anything else we use as an excuse.  God does not fail but we can bring failure or delay to our blessings by not hearing and doing what God asked.  The things of God do not bring the sins of lust or greed in anything he has predestined. God’s love is complete and not as man determines it to be.  When God says, remove yourself from the situation or give in your lack…do it because he already knows what is best.  God’s mission goes beyond living on this earth. God’s best awaits you, so go and be about your Fathers business. Do better to live better.

Keep praying for wisdom, holiness and God's perfect Will.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Your Story

It is your life story. What you obtain becomes what you do and how you move through your faith journey.  We have knowledge of the best teacher and example of success.

Church College

Church is my College,
Heaven is my University.
Jesus is my Principal,
The Holy Spirit is my Teacher.
Angels are my class mates,
The bible is my study book.
Trial & Temptation are my exams,
Winning souls are my assignments.
Prayer is my attendance and the crown of life is my degree,
Praise and worship is my motto.
Enroll today there is room for all and the tuition is free!

Author: Unknown

What will be your legacy? You are the primary keeper. What are you passing on for the greater good?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Be At Peace

Hello Saints,

I am just simply speaking from an observational point of view of my last few days out and what is ahead.  Many of us who are going out are probably watching people around you very closely.  Who would have thought that going to the grocery store could be so alarming and possibly have you feeling apprehensive. I have experienced persons not protecting themselves and completely having no concern for my personal space or safety. It is unfortunate that we are still at a point when several people walk around with no mask, no gloves, and do not practice social-distancing.  I have the same concern that several people have expressed to me regarding safety.  Will businesses disinfect properly and practice social-distancing properly.  Is it the businesses we need to be concerned about or the public? It is a challenging question.  I hold on to the following scripture. 

 “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.  I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”   John 16:32-33 (NIV)

I have been advising everyone to be proactive when it comes to venturing out.  Make wise choices and relax. Many of us have been alone for weeks and miss the interaction with other people we know. On the other hand if you are arriving to your destination tense, then everything someone does will have you react offensively instead of smart.  You are not required to visit any business that decides to open now.  You must believe and know that the service you are receiving will be safe. If going out to dine in at a restaurant makes you feel stress or uncomfortable, stay home or order take-out.  When you visit any business if it is crowded and you are not comfortable, try again later.  You will feel better shopping and go home with less anxiety.  Again, make wise choices that you can handle.

You must be your own advocate when it comes to your health and well-being during this time.  What you and I do while out in the public will affect others.  The best way to move forward is stay calm, stay in prayer and evaluate your situation in a positive manner. Sometimes we hold on to the negative because we are concerned about the unknown.  Avoid comparing your situation to others, be smart, and safe.  Maintain your hope. God is with us and all is well. 

 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”     Romans 12:12 (NIV)


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mother’s Everywhere

We appreciate you for all you do.  Your strength and tenacity made an impact on who we are today.

Thank you for being our …

Cheering Squad
Biggest Supporter
Travel Partner
Personal Counselor
Emergency Seamstress
Medical Specialist
Empathetic Listener

Most of all you were the light of Love that made the day. It is an honor today to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.                                                                                                        
Love You Much

Melissa Mitchell

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Plant Your Garden: Now Watch It Grow

God’s garden has no weeds and useless soil.  Plant your spiritual garden today. Remember the words of Paul, “we reap what we sow.”

Plant God’s Peace to move forward.
Plant God’s Wisdom and act accordingly.
Plant God’s Strength to endure.
Plant God’s Faith and hope grows.
Plant God’s Word to see eternity in your future.
Plant the Will of God and victory is yours.

“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, band break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.”   Hosea 10:12 (NIV)
Know that it is time to seek the Lord. Allow the seeds of righteousness to take root in our hearts to grow in grace.  
Plant your seeds and watch God allow it to grow.  Faith feeds Hope, Hope feeds Belief, Belief feeds Trust, and Trust feeds the Will of God.

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!