Sunday, June 28, 2020

Experiencing Loneliness and Holding on to Holiness

My dear brothers and sister this season is troublesome and you may feel you are walking on tottering ground.  Remember there is nothing wrong with holiness and waiting on God.  You must absolutely trust God.  The loneliness and desire to be in the presence of others who may merely bring a temporary comfort.  These things are not part of your intended journey because you are single, divorced, widowed or never married.  Your time of being alone physically is the time to draw closer to Him.  You must patiently wait and stand firm on the promise of God.  The struggle is real but you must hold on for your blessing.  God has not left you and he can sustain you in your time of need. You have not been abandoned.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  ~ Romans 12:1-2

I am revisiting a past discussion briefly because of the on-going concern of staying focused and practicing self-control.  In the past few months some thoughts/struggles have arrived on the scene for some saints.  Remember all you have done to stay saved and live a chaste life.  I understand the fight and you are not alone. It is a cycle that tries to creep in during times of idleness and sometimes just before your blessings is due to arrive. It has become more of a challenge for some because we are beginning to become socially active again.  We have been tucked away in our homes with little social collaboration and the desire to be in the presence of others has heighten your sense of social contact.  Allowing your desires and bodies lead you will bring forth more trouble for a temporary fix. God created man to be compassionate and social beings. Therefore, he knows the hardship, desires of man, and already has it solved.

Humble yourselves to prayer and plant your energy into the work of the Lord. The Lord can and will deliver you, just trust Him. You are a treasure in God’s eyes, so beloved treat yourself as such. You can make it through with God leading the way.  Chose to disconnect yourself from those who will not honor holiness and hold you accountable.  Push back depression, unbalanced desire for physical enjoyment, emotional attachments, comfortable/safe ties in the wrong persons, and deteriorating self-respect. It is not Gods plan for you.  Peel back useless relationships, avoid tempting situations and guard your minds from the false idea of what you believe are small sins.  Well, there is no such thing as a small sin; its sin.  Reinvest in healthy friendships that help strengthen you and challenge you to do better. Pray, fast, and see your life in a more positive light. Grab hold to optimism, wisdom, virtue, God’s vision, and the love in a God who will make you whole. Give him every pain and void in your heart. Watch God change you and the issue to work in your favor. God’s got this, let Him rescue you.  You do not need to be a silent sufferer with a loving, graceful and merciful God to carry you through into the light.  Therefore, repent, request help, and rediscover God. My friend do not be surprised when God takes you to a new place you have yet to experience.  You will understand just how awesome He is in all things concerning YOU.  

Isaiah 41:10
Colossians 3:1 & 3:5
Romans 5:8
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Peter 1:15-16
May the blessing of the Lord continue to be upon you and keep you.

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

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