Sunday, January 31, 2021

Revival for a Past Bad Year

Hello Saints,

So many things are going on and many of you may be dawdling through the days. It has been a challenge and you have not gotten your thrive back. Here are a few tips to help give you a jump start. You can do it!

7 Tips for Recovery

1. Make provisions to power up your spiritual routine. You can win.

2. Seek help when needed in the crisis. Gaining strength to go on.

3. Trust God to the end. He is not done yet.

4. Move forward in the journey. Yesterday has left.

5. Believe — Worship, Work, and Witness! Christ is your escort.

6. Look past the hardship and roadblocks. God is still there.

7. Encourage yourself with positivity and hope for greater ahead. Stand on the promise.

Everyone has a period of some type of struggle: frustration, feeling of defeated, hurt, feeling left out, or feeling life is unfair.  You are going through the storm and God’s hand is still upon you. Life does not drop all good things in your path. Your obstacles will make you stronger and help you learn valuable lessons.  It does not sound wonderful at the time but you will appreciate the blessing of the lessons learned. Remember King David, Job or Hagar all had to face struggle.  They had to trust God’s plan. Your promise of victory is already written.  You must walk in the promise with assurance and expect greater for the trouble.

Read: Ps. 9:9-10, Isa. 65:24

Worship, Work, and Witness: Recovery and Deliverance


Stay Focused and Be Blessed!


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