Saturday, February 20, 2021

This Too Shall Pass

 It is that time of year when the unexpected happens or is headed your way.  The winter wonders have arrived with force and widespread.  We have been through storms before with ice, freezing rain, and mounds of snow.  In some areas we receiving some form of ice or snow almost every 6 to 7 days.  If you remember the snowy season in 2009-2010, we had heavy snow with 7+ inches of it staying for days and then another storm behind it. We survived and did what we had to do.  Stay calm and prepare as best you can. 

Check-in on the sick and shut-in, elderly, and single residents.  The east coast has seen some bad storms.  But God always sees us through.  Stay encouraged, safe and use wisdom.  Watch your local news to stay informed. Please follow your emergency guidelines when your city or state has posted advisories.  You need to be safe but the safety of others who must be out working is important too.  Pray for those in horrific situations and help when you can. God is still in the mist — trust, believe and hope.

Read: Ps. 34:4, Isa. 26:3

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

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