Sunday, July 4, 2021

Waves of Change

Hello My Beloved,

I pray you are doing well and staying encouraged.  It has taken me a moment to post this due to so many good things occurring and I wrote this late in the midnight hour a few days ago. So I will be very simple and conversational in this post. 

Prepare for the wave because God is breaking through the ungodly stuff and cleaning things from head to toe. Strap in for the greatest ride ahead. Are we living in our miracles?  We are half way through the year and God has been good to us. The Lord has elevated His people and continues to bloom in our hearts. Praise God.  The Lord has held our hand through it all. He has kept us in a sound mind and walking in His power.  Tell the Lord “Thank you.” Oh, how sweet is the name Jesus. 

Children of God we are in our new miracle journey and there is no turning around now, God has empowered; revived, and delivered us into our predestined call. Sometime ago we have discussed many subjects and specifically the moving of the Holy Spirit in your life.  New businesses, family growth and reconciliations, spiritual growth, financial freedom on the rise, and healing—but God!  Your sacrifice was not in vain.  Remember the Lamb took the scroll and our Victory is already done. Signs and wonders God has done.  Do you believe it is done? Call His name, my beloved—Jesus!

The things I have seen and heard have blessed my soul.  Waiting on God is worth it. I am convinced even more that God Almighty has set us up for the Win over and over again. When have you seen all generations actively moving together—I mean ALL. The babe has prayed and lead—only God. We are at the mountain top—now fly on, we shall not roll down the other side. You have been given your flight plan. Go and be of good cheer. 

Pray for me and I will surely continue to pray for you.  We are better together in Jesus name.  Follow the leader—Jesus Christ!

Read: Proverbs 4:18, Job 17:9, Phil. 3:14

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Sister Melissa

#AgentofChange  #recoveredanddelivered

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