Sunday, December 31, 2023

A Year in Review

During this time of the year, we began looking ahead to make a list of new year resolutions.  What will I do or not do this year?  Have you answered this question before? Many continue to make new goals or resolutions for the upcoming year every year.  Have you considered finishing a goal you let it go 3 months into the year?  Have you considered finishing a goal you almost completed and dropped because you saw no success?  Consider why your goal or resolution may not have been successful starting with you.

Proverbs 16:3, tells us to commit your works unto the Lord, and he will establish your plans.

We create goals or resolutions and make a good effort to do most of them.  But we must remember God orders our steps.  His purpose is what prevails.  Think about your brother Noah and the Ark or Paul planting churches throughout the land.  They were inspired by God and worked to complete the goal.  They had challenges and setbacks, yet continued on in faith.

Let us put our focus on the plans of the Lord and seek to be inspired by Him. Goals are good to have for guidance, help prioritize, and aid in productivity.  Goals assist us in living a truly God-driven purpose in life.  Set your goals and include God’s direction as He leads you.

Pray and ask God to be the catalyst to you reaching your goals. Ask God to give you strength and the courage to stay on the journey moving forward with greater faith.  


Happy New Year!


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thankful for the Interruptions

Looking at everything that has occurred the last 4 months I understand the broken parts.  Feeling as if everything is going wrong or not going anywhere.  Waiting on my next endeavor or just simply being locked-in one job or one place.  Family members in and out of the hospital and wondering did I make a good choice.  I was moving around and looking for my big indication to the next path on my journey.  It was disappointing, no clue.  The two things I would have liked to see happen did not occur.  Oh, well, that was not it.  I was not in control of anything, and I felt overwhelmed.  What in the world is going on?  Feeling I lost control was not a good feeling.  Was I supposed to be in control of it all?  Everything from every direction was unexpected or popped up out of nowhere—so it seemed. 

It is difficult for people to admit they do not have control over basic things such as their spending, jobs, health or relationships.  We pull ourselves into bouts of anxiety when we are not.  Why?  We often have not learned the value of acceptance, or we are so busy trying to figure it out to fix/change the situation.  Acceptance is not saying you are in agreement with what has happened, or it is okay.  It is not meant for you to fix everything because there is a course that must be traveled whether it is negative or uncomfortable.  Realizing not to focus on why it should not be this way, or another way is important.  Be open-mined about your whole experience on your journey.  As we keep going a change is soon on the horizon.  Keep your eyes open to see what lesson is in the mist, ears tuned to the call of God, mouths silent to avoid missing directions, legs steady for the travel and hands ready to work the fields.  

Remember acceptance of your personal experience helps reduce stress, depression, etc., to improve your whole well-being.  Move forward to leave the judgement, worry and hopelessness behind and seek to learn through the challenge.  I have moved forward and so can you.  Believe and trust that God is in the mist and things will be alright.  Yes, everything worked out with a blessing unexpected. 

So, don’t sweat the challenge, go through it.

Be encouraged and patient to complete the journey to move through the challenges of life.  Thankful for the challenge—I am stronger and wiser.  

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   


Thursday, July 13, 2023

When Things Go Left

Have you been in a situation when things just stop working for you all at once?  Specically technology.  Well, hope it doesn’t happen. I was so overwhelmed and in shock more than anything.  It started with a decision to change jobs for a new venture and upgrading my internet to accommodate new projects.  In the mist of the change I briefly planned a quick vacation while interviewing.  My first headache was the internet.  I learned my billing changed but the internet did not actually upgrade.  Therefore, I had several electronic devices not functioning properly.  Now, these were very important systems and involved security concerns.  I struggled through a few days and another wave of concerns. Yes, access and passwords.  Delays in work projects, one job abruptly ended before vacation and of course travel concerns.  This cannot be happening now.  I have too many things to do and trying to take a break before my new task begins next month.  Everything appeared to be going wrong.  I knew this was the plan that God set in motion and change was necessary.  I had my concerns and attempted to resist.  I had to trust God’s plan and keep moving.


Life throws these curve balls and you either hit them head on or freeze.  You ask what do you do—move forward! 

1. Stay calm.

2. Be aware of your stress level. 

3. Stay in the moment to focus.

4. Find your footing— confidence.   

5. Know your resources— problem solve.

Finally, things began to look up after two weeks of calls, network resets and delays. I was frustrated and began to wonder, if I made the wrong choices.  It is okay to be concerned.  You will have challenges along your journey but how you work through them is key.  I knew things appeared to be going left but I decided to keep moving forward.  Everything was not in place but I made an effort to leave for a break.  I was so glad I continued on and it was a blessed break.  I received a Word from God that blessed me greatly during my rest.  I came back and was ready for whatever needed to be done.  It becomes dangerous when we doubt God’s plan.  In a period of doubt you began to focus on the negative and start to change the plan.  Dangerous indeed because you have not completed the plan and to abort early may be your failure.  Things started to turn-over and doors were opened.  There were still some challenges and calls to make over the next two weeks.  I worked the plan and things began to flow.  It has been a month of problems and setbacks.  I did not realize until a week of calm entered and I began to reflect. Believe and stay focused on God in your challenges.  Watch God Work. 

Read: (KJV)

Psalm 94:19  “In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.” 

Isaiah 43:2  “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16  “Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means.  The Lord be with you all.”

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   


Sunday, April 9, 2023

Let Go of the Distraction!

My beloved friend it is time to move forward.  Your gift has been sent but you have not received it to fullest.  Fear! It has you holding back.  The gift has been delivered long ago but you have been hesitant and toiling with the notion if it is truly for you.       

Galatians 5:1      Christ set you free

Galatians 5: 16   Follow the Spirit and not the flesh

Romans 6:23      Claim your free gift—God

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!    #LoveRulesTheDay

Saturday, March 4, 2023

You Are Blessed!

 Be encouraged as each day comes and goes.

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
o not begin to blame
ven when the times are hard
ierce winds are bound to blow
od is forever able
old on to what you know
magine life without His love
oy would cease to be
eep thanking Him for all the things
ove imparts to thee
ove out of  'Camp Complaining'
o weapon that is known
n earth can yield the power
raise can do alone
uit looking at the future
edeem the time at hand
tart every day with worship
o 'thank' is a command
ntil we see Him coming
ictorious in the sky
e'll run the race with gratitude
X alting God most high
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!  

Author unknown

 I AM Too Blessed to be stressed! The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. When we  kneel before  to the Lord we can stand up to anything.  Love and peace be with you forever.   

 Stay Focused and Be Blessed.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Receive the Power: Change Breaks Chains

 Welcome 2023!

We have seen a complete 7 days come and go on this 8th day of January.  Those things you have not accomplished in 2022, continue going forward.  There is no reason to give up when God has given you the assignment.  Pause, reflect and chose to continue to follow God.  Everything has a reason called to God’s timing.  Fret not if you have things to do.  Be encouraged, no one said it would be easy.  The challenges you face will give you strength to move forward—Believe.

Remember this, nothing but the blood of Jesus can give hope and peace.  Give him all your troubles and see what he does.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.     Isaiah 43:19 (KJV) 

It is time to move into your assigned position and stand on the Word of God.  What God has for you is a blessing He designed before you were aware or even ready. The problems and interruptions that visited your door in 2022— they’re no match for God! No worries. Simply Believe and Trust God. Let go of any disappointment… the finances, problems in marriages, loss jobs or problem on the job, backslidden family members, broken or no relationships.  You must believe deep down in your gut that God has the solution already worked out. Have patience and keep moving forward. If you look back, learn from the past.  Are you the one? Be the one with a “crazy praise” and “insane faith” like no one else. Tell the Lord “Thank you.”  

Let God turn things around for your good. God has given you Power—use it. Change is necessary and it can break barriers. Avoid wasting time wondering what the “someone else received or did.”  Avoid focusing on what you loss and remember what it still in front of you.  God will increase and bring change.  Seek God to increase your HOPE – TRUST– FAITH in 2023. God has great things in store for you.  Step out in faith; you must move to receive.  If God said it, go for it—it is yours. Believe.  

2022 was the start of many wonderful blessings. I say again, “check fear and unworthiness at the door.” Expect greater and amazing doors to be opened in 2023. It is in the power of your obedience and belief. Identify the change.


God is working miracles. Believe!