Thursday, January 20, 2022

Caregivers Heart

Many of us know someone or are caregivers for family members.  It is humbling to serve others and put your own needs on hold. It changes your schedule or plans for that period of time.  Sometimes it is not by choice at a convenient time you selected but because there was an immediate need.  Recently, I was tasked with taking care of a family member. I had to quickly leave and travel with them back home to another state after a lifesaving surgery. It was a blessing for them to be given another opportunity to have life extended a few more years. No one wants truly wants to lose any precious time to live a full life.

The life of a caregiver, what would your brother Paul have in mind.  “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”  1 Thess. 5:11 (KJV)

I became a caregiver, just for a brief period of time. I love working with people and serving to help in any way I am able. You will learn a lot about yourself and what you are made of. Your talents, courage, and inner strength will all be put to work. I must admit I was not 100% sure of taking on the role. I had a choice to ignore or accept the call. The last few weeks of December to the beginning weeks of January 2022 will be an experience to remember. Things went well for the person but it seemed as though I was running head-on into road blocks. I attempted to do a little work and finalize a few projects during the night. Nothing seemed to work from applications, documents and of course my laptop. There were challenges until this week after returning home. It is still all good, trouble does not last always while holding on in faith. I was giving my full attention during the day but I was interrupting my rest. Lesson learned, I was exhausted when I returned home. Every day was different in cooking, cleaning, medications, preparing needles, calling/texting, scheduling and charting. I had a whole new profession, but it was a joy to be able to help.

Think of a time when you truly served someone else who needed help and you served without asking. There were no other options, but you were there. Your time became a gift to someone else. You must be selfless, patient and a light of hope. Does this sound familiar to you? Who has been a caregiver to you without asking? Your source of health and well-being. Giving out of love to be a blessing. You may know him by name, Jesus. Our intercessor, therapist, doctor, healer, provider and so much more. God started with Adam and Eve, then transferred the task for us to Jesus. Jesus carried out God’s plan to love mankind. Interesting to think of Jesus as a caregiver to you. The work is not simple nor glamorous but it was the call given. We serve one another out of honor and love of Jesus Christ. Believers are to be active and purposeful in carrying out the call until his return. After all he is continuing to care for you. You are very precious and loved beyond your understanding. Trust, Believe and Love Jesus Christ—your lifeline. Remember the next time when no one is around to help—He’s Got You! Tell the Lord, Thank You. Pay it forward and keep moving.

Read: Heb. 10:23-25, 1Thess. 5-11, 1 Pet. 5:7

May the Blood of Jesus Keep You Covered.

Sister Melissa

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