Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine to Me!


We understand the excitement about Valentine’s Day and all the special candies, lovely flowers, fancy dinners, cards and gifts. Do we really take to heart what we are doing? Is it just another day to remember your spouse, family or significant other one day in the year other than father’s day, mother’s day, and birthdays?  Ask yourself, “Why do I do this every February 14th?”  What is your answer? Well, some of us may not have an answer. Others may fall in with the movement to celebrate our loved one because everyone is talking about it.  Maybe you celebrate it because you will earn brownie points for your efforts.  What?—no way!  Valentine’s Day had a different purposes overtime, but people made it work.  Do the research behind February 14th.

Why so much effort put on one day of sharing and spreading the love? Could it be an opportunity to correct failed gestures/expressions for all the months before? What are you thinking? If you are not particularly one to remember a good faith gesture to your significant other regularly—here you go! A day just for you to play catch-up in the commercial province of society.  

Let’s take a look at what should happen or is happening on your behalf each day. We should acknowledge the warm and loving emotions to our family or significant others regularly. Hint: You won’t need to play catch-up. It will certainly cost less.  Be my valentine and last through time. In other words love me all the days I live and more. The relationship will last longer than the flowers, candy or the dinner. Also, a lovely memory of the moment without the prompting of a single celebrated day will be cherished more.  I do not get tired of saying this: “We love because he first loved us.”  (1 John 4:19)

 Thank God, he does not wait for a particular day to show he cares. Every day is a day of love and sharing from God. Don’t sell yourself short. Happy Valentine to Me!  Celebrating others can be challenging when you don’t know how to celebrate yourself.  Love on yourself, it makes it easier to share it with others. The current idea of a valentine is to express the warm and loving emotions we carry toward the other. Be that extension of Christ that came for us out of love.  Spread the love wide and true from one end to the other of this planet and across every sea. We know love is patient, love is kind…  (1 Corin. 13:4-8)

 There is nothing wrong with joining the masses celebrating Valentine’s Day. Just remember it does not have to be the only day. I would not want to know my chances of God only expressing how he feels towards me once a year. The bible says, “To be devoted to one another”…  (Rom.  12:10). Can we be intentional to spread genuine love daily? Spread the love well, let us extend the sharing beyond close persons we know. Make a card, buy a card or just a simple call will do.  Surprise someone who may not be a valentine to others—after all it is all about the love. Happy Valentine’s Day to Me and You!

          Spread the Love wide and true--God loves us all and that is true.

#LoveRulesTheDay   #jesusbeloved


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