Tuesday, December 7, 2021

All Things New

Be encouraged and empowered in the WORD.  Jesus died for you out of love and genuine concern.  Our relationship with Him springs forward hope. Praise and Worship our Lord.  Submitting to God can allow us to have a new beginning. Humble our hearts and wait to receive your approved blessings. Be open to change and improvement, change is not negative. Expect 2022 to be a time of securing the benefits for our obedience and working in the Kingdom. 2021 had its difficulties but when you hold on in absolute faith, God will show-out. Keep PUSHING your way forward.  Did you make a promise (Promise to Achieve -PTA)? Did you achieve it? If you did not fully a make it— Guess what? God loves you, never forget.  He only desires the best for you and wants you to succeed. Trust Him and Believe.  His mercy and reassurance in change—Isa. 43:14-21

Your “promise to achieve” needs a plan of action.  (Revisit Jan. 2021 post)

A.  Continue to pray when you rise and before you rest.

B.  Study the Word and speak life and power for your successful completion.

C.  Determine what you need to change. What actions are allowing you to fall or go back to the issue? Is it people, places you go, things you say or think about, etc. Is it simply your own self-doubt or lack of prioritization in your life?

You are stronger than you think.  Keep moving forward and stay focused.

No worries. Some of us made wrong turns by choice, became overwhelmed, did not follow directions (unknowingly), hesitated, let go of hope, refused to be taught and our faith weaken by what we saw and heard. God is awesome—He saw it all and still loved you more. He continued to call us and show us the way. Grab hold and let Him lead.  You can do it and God will help you succeed.

Read: Eccl. 3:1, 2 Corin. 9:8, Rev. 21:5, Mark 11:24

Make sure you pray and worship consistently. God loves our praise in spite of the situation.  Be intentional to have intimate time with Him.


God bless.

Sister Melissa

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Do You Know?

We live in a time where some believe because of association or status. My question is not based on the physical we may see such as knowing the barber or handyman down the street. How much do you know about the love of Christ?  Let’s talk about the experience.  Jesus Christ is the reason you can have an abundant life. Can you call Him friend? Prayerfully you can say, yes. We are all brought for a price and that is through the blood of Jesus.  (Read: 1 Cor. 6:20)  Literally, paid in full with His blood.  Therefore, we are to honor and glorify God.

We have been given a gift and we did not work for it. Wow, you were thought of before you knew Jesus. Why do we move so slowly when God speaks. Do you know God’s voice? Man says this or that and we move, jump, and run to do. It is true, we do.  Who do you trust without a doubt?  Stop putting all your trust in man and trust all things from God. This not to say that you never trust anyone, but be wise in who and what we trust in.  Have confidence in the Lord. No matter what—Trust God. Man gives you no guarantee.

In your times of trouble, do you know to call Jesus? 

He is your help in times of need.

He is your power when week.

He is your voice when speechless.

He is your vision when sightless.

He is your everything.

Yield to His Will and call on Him.  He will always have a better way.  Is your way working? Do you believe He is working it out? Are you sure you are following His Word?  Remember trials and tabulation may come but God is in control. He will not leave you in the wilderness or lead you to failure—When we allow Him to guide us!  Take the path He sent you to navigate and keep going. Move with urgency and eyes on Christ Jesus.  (Read: Hebrews 12:1-2)   Start a relationship today or strengthen the one you have with the Lord.  

Read: John 14:6, 1 John 4:10, John 17:3

May the riches treasures of the Lord be upon you.

Sister Melissa


Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Who are you?

      What is your answer? You may be asking, what do you mean? It may or may not be a thought provoking question for you. Some may find it so. Think about this situation. Have you experienced a question during a job interview and it took you by surprise? For example, “Tell me something about yourself.” Many of us find this question challenging. Do you know how to answer this question? Well, it does not involve giving your life story. Do you need to practice your response?  Who are you? (speak out loud five things)

What does God say you are? Giving you the common response most think of first “I am a child of God” and “I am a son or daughter of the King.” Challenge yourself to answer this question. God says you are… What are your five?

Here are few to help describe YOU.


Valued/Precious        1 Corinthians 6:20 ...

                                                you were brought with a price

Strong                         Psalm 18:35 and Philippians 4:13 …

                                                you have all the tools to stand tall

Forgiven                     Psalm 103:12 …you were shown mercy;

                                                forgive yourself

Victorious                   Romans 8:37 and 1 Corinthians 5:57…

                                                you are conquerors

Chosen                       John 15:16 and 1Thessalonians 1:4 …

                                                God found you first

Practice walking in the power of God’s Word. You will need to surrender to His Will and do the Work.  Find more characteristics of who God says you are and believe. People can tell you many things about who they think you are. It is necessary that you know your identity and know you were exquisitely designed. Continue reading: Ephesians 1 and 2 (the whole chapter)

May the Blood of Jesus Keep You Covered.

Much Love 

Sister Melissa

Sunday, August 15, 2021

I am Saved

 Hello Beloved,


I pray you are doing well and holding on in faith.  Stay in prayer and pray for others.  Sadly, there are horrific things happening and people becoming malicious in their actions.  I have been out in the community and have seen and experienced a lack of consideration for others.  What happened to respect, love and compassion?  Please stay safe, if not for yourself but consider others.  A few days ago after I returned home I heard this song and it changed my whole process this weekend.  Yes, a song can bring to remembrance the greatness of the Lord. A soft hum, reading or listening to the Word can be beneficial to you at any time. Praise the Lord.

Let these words speak to you. Sing it with me and I am sure it will change your whole thought process to an attitude of gratefulness.  Imagine if everyone remembered. Praise the Lord…what a great life to live with such confidence and grace.

Saved by the Blood 

Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! 

Now ransomed from sin and a new work begun,
Sing praise to the Father and praise to the Son,
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!

Glory, I’m saved! Glory, I’m saved!
My sins are all pardoned, my guilt is all gone!
Glory, I’m saved! Glory, I’m saved!
I’m saved by the blood of the Crucified One! 

Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
The angels rejoicing because it is done;
A child of the Father, joint-heir with the Son,
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! 

Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
The Father He spake, and His will it was done;
Great price of my pardon, His own precious Son;
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!

Saved by the blood of the Crucified One!
All hail to the Father, all hail to the Son,
All hail to the Spirit, the great Three in One!
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! 

This song was written in 1902 by S.J Henderson.  Thank you to Pastor McClurkin and the PFC family for sharing this song to encourage others.  

Much Love 

Sister Melissa 

#recoveredanddelivered   #jesusbeloved

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Peace in the Midst

Hello Beloved Christians,

I has been a while since we just had a simple conversation. I have been out in the community and it has been very enlightening to watch people attempt to go about their business.  There is no business as usual.  Please try to understand that some things just were not working and needed to be updated/revamped…whatever you want to call it.  Well, those that tried received a rude awakening. Expect    things to be different, be patient, and flexible.  No worries.  Keep your peace in the midst of all you do. 

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Phil. 4:7

I want to remind us about living in the peace of the Lord. My travel since last year has been by car only and recently I left the state. My first experience flying just a few days ago I encountered a situation I never experienced.  Approximately 15 minutes from landing we were notified that our arrival airport was closed to any incoming aircraft due to a storm.  Imagine what people began to think. What do think happened?  I was at peace enjoying the reflections of the clouds and calm of the sky. Not everyone had the same experience. We stayed in the air for roughly 8 minutes circling the area with 20 minutes of fuel and the storm did not pass. It was determined that we had to leave the area and retreat to another city approximately 96 miles away.  All is well, I still had my peace.

This is what I witnessed: Talking throughout the aircraft ceased, no babies crying, someone hands folded praying and others in their own way. The only noise was the sound of the plane moving through the sky.  Wow!  I simply closed my eyes for a while and rested in the feeling of the plane gliding through the air.  No concern as to where we were or if something happen. Out of curiosity I watched the flight map to see the circular path we were moving in for a moment. Technology—is amazing. Have you ever noticed that a busy body/noise maker in the midst of uncertainty become still or the silent party? I was enjoying the peace and calm of the flight while some had a look of concern on their faces. What happened to your peace? The peace of the Lord makes everything alright regardless, of any change in the situation or the final outcome. Can you trust God completely and keep your peace in the midst of trouble?  Remember the children’s song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”—keep that in mind in times of trouble and unrest.  Be comforted in His presence and know God is in control. I know I had work to do and I had no indication God said I was done.  So, I patiently waited for the next step. The aircraft is still quite now.  I was not thinking about I should have, could have or would have, this and that but God had me in the presence of His peace.  To be transparent if this was a few years ago I probably would have had a similar look of concern too. Beloved walk in faith and understand living in total peace can be found in God’s hands for you.

Let go whatever is holding you back. Pain, fear, shame, lack of confidence, anxiety, loneliness, abandonment, etc.  Name it and let it go. Half the struggle is knowing what is hindering you. Face it head-on and regain your power and peace. Peace is power. The bumps in the road or hiccups in your journey will not diminish your power with peace in the midst of it all. Bask in the love, grace, and power of the Lord—you must trust Him. All will be well in your soul.

Just to let you know we landed, refueled and was in flight back to my original destination. God is good all the time. Amazing to see God at work and we do not notice in most cases until it all done.  Let us clear our vision to see that God has the resolution—It is Done.

Read: 2 Corin. 13:11, Phil. 4-6-9, Romans 8:6


Much Love.

Keep holding on in Hope!

#JesusHasWorkedItOut   #jesusbeloved

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Waves of Change

Hello My Beloved,

I pray you are doing well and staying encouraged.  It has taken me a moment to post this due to so many good things occurring and I wrote this late in the midnight hour a few days ago. So I will be very simple and conversational in this post. 

Prepare for the wave because God is breaking through the ungodly stuff and cleaning things from head to toe. Strap in for the greatest ride ahead. Are we living in our miracles?  We are half way through the year and God has been good to us. The Lord has elevated His people and continues to bloom in our hearts. Praise God.  The Lord has held our hand through it all. He has kept us in a sound mind and walking in His power.  Tell the Lord “Thank you.” Oh, how sweet is the name Jesus. 

Children of God we are in our new miracle journey and there is no turning around now, God has empowered; revived, and delivered us into our predestined call. Sometime ago we have discussed many subjects and specifically the moving of the Holy Spirit in your life.  New businesses, family growth and reconciliations, spiritual growth, financial freedom on the rise, and healing—but God!  Your sacrifice was not in vain.  Remember the Lamb took the scroll and our Victory is already done. Signs and wonders God has done.  Do you believe it is done? Call His name, my beloved—Jesus!

The things I have seen and heard have blessed my soul.  Waiting on God is worth it. I am convinced even more that God Almighty has set us up for the Win over and over again. When have you seen all generations actively moving together—I mean ALL. The babe has prayed and lead—only God. We are at the mountain top—now fly on, we shall not roll down the other side. You have been given your flight plan. Go and be of good cheer. 

Pray for me and I will surely continue to pray for you.  We are better together in Jesus name.  Follow the leader—Jesus Christ!

Read: Proverbs 4:18, Job 17:9, Phil. 3:14

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Sister Melissa

#AgentofChange  #recoveredanddelivered

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Moving into the Crowd

Hello Beloved,

I pray you are doing well and staying safe.  My inquiry today is stepping back out into the crowd. The world is opening up quickly and constant changes are happening all around.  I must be honest, I am still watching where I go. I still have concerns with large crowds and the cessation on mask wearing.  The honor system is great. However, my concern is those who oppose the vaccine and refuse to be vaccinated, will they practice covid-19 safety?  Well, things must go on and we will need to trust each other.  Stay in prayer and trust that God is with us.  God always has us in the care of his loving hands.   

How are you handling your time at home? If you have been out and about since last June, how are you handling things now? I have toiled with the decision of moving and traveling with on the major transportation modes.  I am not afraid, but I do question the sanitary aspect and what others are doing around me. I realized that I had become very comfortable, so much that it took me a minute to get use to wearing a full outfit, dealing with multiple people talking out loud, and walking in real shoes every day for 4 ½ weeks straight. I was pitiful, fidgeting and feeling overdressed was the worst. I had to laugh at myself. One afternoon I had some downtime between appointments and I recalled a few things I often said and was taught.  Listen—if the Lord leads me to be still, then I must wait.  But in the meantime I will trust and obey the guidance of the Lord.  I have been slow to go and it has been heavy on my heart, so I shall go.  At this moment I will go with great expectations. I have a few commitments and I will be traveling out of state twice next month.  It is time to get to work on some new endeavors and get back to community work. The readiness of my spirit has been overwhelming and things are going well. Thank the Lord for his peace and assurance, all is well.

Our way of living is one of originality each day, there is no “new normal” but a newness each day.  We must look upon each day as a great gift and with that gift how to use it carefully.  It has been a challenge to be homebound and I am so over it.  However, there have been some positive moments that have occurred while being on an extended staycation. It has been wonderful spending more time in fellowship and worship with the Lord.  Leaving out my feelings and planned possibilities but going completely with the leading of the spirit and confidence in every promise guaranteed for me. Stay the course and listen for your call to go—God doesn’t make mistakes and does not fail. Stay in tune with the master and His plan, in due time it will manifest—go forward in motion on time. Pray and fast to discern when it is your time to take the next move.  God’s time and opportunity with His promise will always bring success.  Remember we all have purpose that is interconnected with others and your next move may not be with/during my time or your friends but at your designated time purposely.  I encourage you to continue the mission and work until you hear the Father’s voice to do differently.  God bless you.

Read: Ps. 32:8, Prov. 4:25, Isa. 43:18


Sunday, June 20, 2021

To Our Father's

Remembering our fathers far and near. Thank you for the love you have shown and the helping hands you so generously provide.  Family let us step it up a notch for our fathers. Show them so much more love than the tie, tools, and cards. We would not be BE without them. Enjoy today fathers everywhere.  


  Remember to honor and give praise to our father in Heaven. 

Much Love

Sister Melissa

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Days of Courage

When your view is not clear and you cannot see the road ahead, stay the course. Rely on the Lord and trust His wisdom. No doubts or postponing your decision. What you use to do and how it was done maybe different today—remember change can be good.  Over the past year we all have had to be flexible, creative, patient, and go without.  We have read and heard many times over “we will get through this.” Yes, we will see better days. We are living in the now and the past is the past.  You are not walking this Christian life alone.  It will take courage and persistence to hold on to the promises of your future.  Speak to your fear, unassertiveness and passiveness.  Increase your commitment to living for Christ and you will gain confidence to keep moving forward.  Obedience is the key to pleasing Him and living holy to reap the benefit of eternal life. Be bold and show you know the greatness of the Lord. Seek God in all things to obtain your blessings.

1.  Stay on target with your prayer time.

2.  Evaluate where you are. Make changes as needed.

3.  Acknowledge your challenges and fears. To combat—know what you are up against.

4.  Think positive and continue to be open to learn.

5.  Try again, failure along the way does not mean abandon the mission.    

Grab hold to the power of courage and know you are an overcomer.  Courage is taking the risk to be a follower of Christ. We have no time for hopelessness. Ride out your waves of unpleasant moments. You can and will return to a period of calm. Your current condition will not always be the same—equip yourself with the Word and Prayer. Push through adversity and go with tenacity on your mission. Ask your brother or sister Nehemiah, Hannah, Daniel, Ruth or King David about courage. Stay faithful to the process to grow in courage and understand it is your time—the break is near.  You can complete the assignment with God’s support.

Be encouraged—know that God is present! We serve a faithful and mighty God.

Read: Isaiah 41:10, Exodus 15:2, John 16:31-33

#JesusHasWorkedItOut   #jesusbeloved          

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Choose to Stand

Beloved children of the Most High God save yourselves from the headache of following unrighteousness.

Let no man convince you that obedience is not the key to your success.  You cannot be a part-time Christian.  You must commit to Christ and follow the Word.  We are all part of the body of Christ and we each have a purpose that links us together. We should connect by love—you have no time to be a fragmentary link to the mission. You have everything you need in Christ.

Remember the hymn “Standing on the Promises of God.” Are we truly standing on His promise? Be sure you know what they are.  God’s promises are for you and His Word stands firm. So, dad up. Your father in heaven, is still working behind the scene for the good in your life.  The power of the cross is your strength. What does it mean to you?

Know Gods Will:

1. Lean on the peace of Christ.

2. Look to the scriptures.

3. Learn the heart of Christ

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”                                                   ~  (John 15:7-8, NKJV)

I do not recommend traveling down a road of disobedience and thoughtless choices.  The choices we make and our actions truly matter. Leave all things unholy behind—you can do it!  Abide in Christ and learn to discern when God is at work to bring you into your divine purpose for His glory. We must rise above fear, move with confidence and trust God’s plan. Go expecting God to show-out and keep hope on speed dial as you move patiently.  God does everything at the appropriate moment and with excellence.  You will know because man cannot out bless God. Keep holding on to faith and know that God has not forgotten. Just stand. You must be in position and doing the work you were called to do. Watch how God blesses you beyond anything you could have imagined. May the blood of Jesus keep you covered. 



Sunday, March 28, 2021

My Beloved Kneel

Good morning Saints,

Blessed the Lord with all your soul.  We have survived a year of trials and suffering.  I can only say today, "Thank you Lord."  To my brothers and sisters who still are pushing to making it through.  

My Beloved Kneel
When life throws you burdens and sorrow,
Your day is shadowed by turmoil and destitution,
My beloved kneel, just kneel.
The Lord will show you harmony.
When your peace and strength are weak,
Your family and friends are not there,
My beloved kneel, just kneel.
The Lord will hold your hand.
When you feel that the dream is lost or abolished,
Your source of power and hope feels distant,
My beloved kneel, just kneel.
The Lord will provide sanctifying grace.
Through it all, kneel.
The Lord awaits, just kneel.

     ~ Sister Melissa Mitchell

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Live Out Your Dream

Day after day we keep moving and dreaming the “Dream.” I remember every detail and the excitement I felt.  Sometimes the hurt, pain and struggle intruded on my dream. It was just a moment, but a moment to long. On occasion the dream was on hold, at least I thought it was. I had to learn —keep moving the dream has not ended yet. Do you remember the dream? Your energy and the vision inspired your movement to follow.  Are you still following the dream?     

 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”    (John 14:26, NKJV)

God’s plan is always at work.  Regardless, if I go left instead of right God still works to guide me back on course. We go through to get to something greater, otherwise you are not moving ahead. Along the journey there are blessings in our lessons learned.  We can try our way and travel on misfortune circle, adversity lane, lack place, struggle road or defeat drive. God is not small and nothing God does is small.  I would prefer to travel larger and go with God to success parkway, peace expressway, abundant turnpike, grace highway, or obedient beltway. It is your choice. The "Dream" is better with God, but you must walk with God in complete trust. Whatever comes your way will make you stronger to endure, grow in faith, and surrender to obedience. Get ready!

Take the necessary action and stay on course with intentional moves to follow the dream.  Handle challenges with strength, delays with praise and errors with grace. Believe! Let the wisdom of the Lord be the light to your path. Believe in yourself and keep dreaming the dream.  Strive to truly live out your dream. Don’t wonder about the dream—know it!

Read: Matt. 6:33, Psalm 73:26, Prov. 3:5

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!


Saturday, February 20, 2021

This Too Shall Pass

 It is that time of year when the unexpected happens or is headed your way.  The winter wonders have arrived with force and widespread.  We have been through storms before with ice, freezing rain, and mounds of snow.  In some areas we receiving some form of ice or snow almost every 6 to 7 days.  If you remember the snowy season in 2009-2010, we had heavy snow with 7+ inches of it staying for days and then another storm behind it. We survived and did what we had to do.  Stay calm and prepare as best you can. 

Check-in on the sick and shut-in, elderly, and single residents.  The east coast has seen some bad storms.  But God always sees us through.  Stay encouraged, safe and use wisdom.  Watch your local news to stay informed. Please follow your emergency guidelines when your city or state has posted advisories.  You need to be safe but the safety of others who must be out working is important too.  Pray for those in horrific situations and help when you can. God is still in the mist — trust, believe and hope.

Read: Ps. 34:4, Isa. 26:3

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Sharing Valentine's Day!

 Hello Beautiful People,

It is Valentine’s weekend coming up and many of us will be thinking of that special someone or persons in our lives.  While we celebrate our husbands, wives, daughters, sisters, etc. pause to share a little of your heart with someone.  Many not be in a good place or have no one to share the 14th with this year. We have so many who are now living alone or are now single due to death, tragedy or simple breakups.  A little love and kindness can make a difference in simply saying — I care.  Join me in making an attempt to reach someone and spread the LOVE this weekend.  

Paul prayed that the Lord increase and overflow the people in love for one another and to all we encounter.  Read:1  Thess. 3:12

Give them a call, leave a note/card (I think homemade are the best.), send a zoom or google meet invite, share a virtual cup of coffee. Use what you have at home. You remember those paper cards and decorated valentines from your childhood. We are creative people, brainstorm and share. If your family is doing well, then try a neighbor who may need a smile.  It cost nothing to chat or knock on the door to say a few kind words.  

**watch full video at https://www.facebook.com/ExcluJesus

Spread Love in a big way this year--reach out to your extended family in your community.
#jesusbeloved  #stayfocusedandbeblessed

 Much Love,

 Sister Melissa









Sunday, January 31, 2021

Revival for a Past Bad Year

Hello Saints,

So many things are going on and many of you may be dawdling through the days. It has been a challenge and you have not gotten your thrive back. Here are a few tips to help give you a jump start. You can do it!

7 Tips for Recovery

1. Make provisions to power up your spiritual routine. You can win.

2. Seek help when needed in the crisis. Gaining strength to go on.

3. Trust God to the end. He is not done yet.

4. Move forward in the journey. Yesterday has left.

5. Believe — Worship, Work, and Witness! Christ is your escort.

6. Look past the hardship and roadblocks. God is still there.

7. Encourage yourself with positivity and hope for greater ahead. Stand on the promise.

Everyone has a period of some type of struggle: frustration, feeling of defeated, hurt, feeling left out, or feeling life is unfair.  You are going through the storm and God’s hand is still upon you. Life does not drop all good things in your path. Your obstacles will make you stronger and help you learn valuable lessons.  It does not sound wonderful at the time but you will appreciate the blessing of the lessons learned. Remember King David, Job or Hagar all had to face struggle.  They had to trust God’s plan. Your promise of victory is already written.  You must walk in the promise with assurance and expect greater for the trouble.

Read: Ps. 9:9-10, Isa. 65:24

Worship, Work, and Witness: Recovery and Deliverance


Stay Focused and Be Blessed!


Sunday, January 3, 2021

More Prayer and Moving On

 Good Morning Saints, 

Continue to seek God steadily. He makes things clear and gives hope to believers. We are children of God living under His grace.   Trust and wait on the God.  2020 was a year of unexpected and necessary change. We have encountered months of shifting our thought processes and changing our usual way of functioning, but God.  I must confess there have been some challenging days but my spirit continues to have me say, “Lord, thank you.” More Prayer and Moving On — God is good all the time!

What is your directive for 2021? Do you know what God has impelled you to do? If you do, then go forward.  Many do not know or are unsure at this time, lets’ start here.  You want a clear pathway and an honest start.

1. Confess your sins. God already knows them – confession will save you.  How can you be helped if you cannot admit there is an issue?

2. Confidence in The Word.  You must Believe and absolutely Trust God.  Scripture has your answer — Read! You will hear so much better — Listen.

3. Call on God as your supreme advisor.  Allow God to lead the way in your life.  Give Him every piece of you; every chipped, worn-down, fractured, torn, and wound.  Turn it all over to your Father in Heaven — right now!

 God bless you. The moment you can do these things without hesitation God can do His greatest work in you. Healing, recovery and deliverance are yours today.  Remember God only wants the best for you and to shower you with His love.  Love can do miracles in our lives.  Take the opportunity to wait on the miracles — nothing to lose but so much to gain.

Take this journey with me on this 3rd day of January. Start to do these three steps and see what God does.  Will you take the opportunity to allow God to do what he does best? Regardless, of what is happening continue these three steps. I believe God will show up and show out mightily.  I can only remind you again and again.  Remember a time when you thought you could not go any further — God was there and you are still here! Tell the Lord “Thank You.”

So, as God shows you the path to take, trust Him.  Take notes along the way and watch how God works.  May the Lord give you peace, strength and all His riches treasures in your journey!   

Read: Ps. 130:5, 1 Cor. 15:58, Isa. 12:2, Ps. 73:26   

Love you much,

Sister Melissa

Friday, January 1, 2021


 Finding your blessing at the cross — can you see the light! 

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"  (Romans 8:32, NIV)

We have all the riches of God in this life and beyond — Thank you Jesus!

