Thursday, December 31, 2020

Worship, Work and Witness: Recovery and Deliverance

Hello Saints!

We are here and moving forward.  Some days have been a challenge and many were devastating to go through, but God. We have cried some days, were angry some days, hurt and in pain, shouted in praise, and laid out in prayer — let us continue on with thankfulness. Celebrate today and every day — Thank you Lord.  There are things I do not know and places I cannot go. Surely I know this — Yes, God is real, real in my soul.  Do you remember this hymn?  Saints allow the Lord to breathe on you and fill you with His spirit.

Do in confidence: Worship! Work! Witness!

Remember Saints the blood will not lose its Power.  No matter what is happening in the world, God is still in control always. Oh, how I love thee Jesus — Believe.

The Lord is still holding our hand and loves us so dearly.  Allow God to move your mountains and restore His precious gifts to you.

Expect increase and walk in the favor of the Lord in 2021. Give the Lord your heart and all your desires, you have everything to gain.  Join Gods people in recovery and deliverance, moving with greater power and strength in 2021.  Take hold of the New Year with praise.

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”   (Isaiah 41:10, NIV)

May you gain all the riches treasures God has to give you. 

In Christ name,

Sister Melissa




So it is Done!


Thank the Lord for all He has done for you and is waiting to continue to do.  Give praise and honor to the one who brought you through.  He never let your hand go and never left you behind. Our Lord and Savior is Love, Peace, Joy and Strength in times of trouble—never doubt His presence or power.  Thank you Lord.

Read: Psalm 149, Psalm 138

“In you, Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.”    (Psalm 31:1-2, NIV)

Love you much. 

Sister Melissa

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Be the One

 The year is at an end and much has changed or new things have begun.  Many have seen difficult times, endured loss and suffered at the hands of others.  It is a time for change with you and in the world today.  Through it all, God still blesses and stayed with us.  Are you the one who will be the positive voice and face of hope?  A hope and joy that only God can provide.  Be the One — Share the Love of Christ. Today is your opportunity. Give God the praise and glory today and every day.  He is the only true living God.  Put all your hope in his unfailing love. Bless the Lord with all your being.  He abides in the believer. Be the One, who shares the Love of Christ without hesitation.  Just because he loves you so, keep Him close in your heart.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”    (Romans 15:13, NKJV)

Our God of all creation, loved us so dearly that he became man in human form.  Trust that God knows everything about you and what is happening around you.  The Lord is your light and strength through your journey.  Why fear anything?  Christians have no reason to fear.  You are more than conquerors with the one who loves us.  Call on Jesus, He is waiting.

 “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”   (Hebrews 12:2, NKJV)

Be the One who pushes through the rocky times, encourages when things seem hopeless, give praise unto the Lord regardless of the pain and disappointment. Take back everything you let go to the enemy.  Find your Joy in Jesus Christ this Christmas season.  Your life will not be the same. Trust Him. 

Spend time with Jesus Christ — It’s his birthday this week. Will you spend time with Him? Be the One to talk with Him, think/focus on Him, and give Him gratitude in your prayers. Be the One, remember your worth in the Kingdom; walk with Him. The world behind you and the cross before you —expect new things in 2021.

Blessings to You

Merry Christmas.  

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Grateful Thoughts


Good Morning Friends,

I am short on words today. I am just feeling grateful and blessed for this journey with Jesus Christ. My heart is overwhelmed with joy for life today. Life is a gift and to be lived with careful and intentional travel.  Keep hope, love and praise in your heart.  I am feeling this today.



I know Today


I know that God lives in me and is alive in my life.

I know that I am divinely made to be different.

I know that I am to be blessed and not stress.

I know that I am to be a conqueror in life and not conquered.

I know that I am to be strong and not weary.

I know that I am to be at peace and not anxious.

I know that I am predestine to heaven and not hell.

I know that I am loved and His love keeps me.

I know that God’s grace and mercy has sustained me.

I know that I need Jesus Christ.

Melissa Mitchell

 Read: Psalm 95:1-3 and Psalm 136:1-9

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Anchor Yourself to Jesus

When you are overwhelmed, feeling anxious or unsure of the next step — Try Jesus. In faith let Jesus be your anchor to comfort you.  Victory is guaranteed — it is no match in an impossible situation with Jesus.  Treat each day with a new outlook and decide to do the work of the Kingdom.  The decision is easy but it will require much work.  Through every storm He has been a firm foundation. Trials will come — know that our help is already there. 

 “Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, And the strength of salvation; The fear of the Lord is His treasure”    (Isaiah 33:6, NKJV)

Turn it over to Jesus —You will win.  No matter what appears to be in front of you.  The road to success has been ordained just for you.  Count it all Joy and go with Peace.

 “For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.”   (Proverbs 23:18, NKJV) 

I pray for your people all over the globe.

To your people I humbly ask,

Lord give grace and renewed faith to the wounded,

Lord give increased hope and courage to those who struggle,

Lord allow love and compassion to shine in our hearts,

Lord give truth and redemption to the seeker of you,

Lord provide healing through the lands and

Let your Word Be in all the lands.


May the Lord keep you and continue to bless you all your days. 

Sister Melissa

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Moving Forward Today!

Let everyone rejoice in the Lord Today. God is always your present help and deliverer. It is never too late while you have the breath of life to surrender your life to God. Humble yourself and seek your Fathers Will today and every day.  

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.    ~ 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

Every age group needs meaning in their life, trust, confidence, hope, security and love — Try God! He is everything you need and so much more.  Are you ready for your blessing?

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.  ~ Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)

Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.  Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.  ~ Titus 2:2-3 (NIV)

Hope continually and go in faith. Our dependency on God does not cease to exist because we get older. Today! — move forward with God. You have much to do in 2020. May the Lord keep you well.   

Read: Psalm 70



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Guard Your Mind and Change Your Focus

Good morning Saints, 

It has come to light why this was on my heart on Thursday. It concerns me and some of you.  I understand things seem as if you cannot win with what is happening today.  I encourage you to keep your eyes on God.  God will show you what you need to know — pray and do not compromise with people that do not follow the Word of God.  Be careful when you leave your home church on the advice of others or because you believe your gift is not being recognized and you are frustrated.  If God has not told you to move, hold your peace and pray for clarity and endurance to hold on. Trust God. God may have you where you are until he has taught you what you need to know. You may walk into a mess of a situation.  Every church should be a praying church, praise and worship church, teach from the Word and will have fruits from its labor. Check your bible.  I have spoken this before, God will not send you without a plan and will tell you where to go.  Check your bible.  Avoid asking yourself later what happened and how did I get here. Keep your focus and Trust God. I must keep advising you to do this — Trust God.

I understand being new a Christian or those who have rededicated their lives you are vulnerable. Remember pastors, evangelist, ministers, deacons, etc. are all men/women first. They all have faults, so do not put them on pedestals.  It is okay to have respect but avoid placing them in the same lane as God. Transparency is the key, but is difficult because some people will not let you live past old mistakes. Some have been called and delivered in most areas, but we all have flaws that we work on daily.  Learn from scripture and seek guidance. Beware of those who never claim to have made mistakes or fallen short. Please understand man has sin.  Now, whether it has been let go or if not and is still being hidden is the difference between them in their true service to God. Please don’t be quick to share the guilty verdicts you hear and shady gossip with people who ask. Let us not be guilty of throwing a stone and you have a house full of mess and deceit. If you know someone is headed in the wrong direction, take them to the Word. Remind them that God will lead but they must be on one accord with Him.  Have them ask these questions:

1.  Did God tell me to move?

2.  Why am I moving and I am not sure about the ministry? 

3.  Did God show me a purpose for to aligning myself with that ministry? 

Be careful you do not cause yourself more harm by moving into the wrong ministry. Many ministries are hurting for various reasons.  You should support the house of God that you are a part of now, unless God said move. There is nothing wrong with making a donation to a ministry but you should still support your church too. You may not know but God knows if you are in a ministry in His sight for a blessing. There will be some individuals and ministries that will be on Gods radar to do some housing cleaning and it will be swift.  It has been done all the long and more in the last few years.  Believe the Word, when God has had enough He will put things in order. Pray and continue to pray for all men and women everywhere. It will not be long before more problematic leaders of all kinds and wicked people will be chastised and exposed.  Make sure your house is in check. Always keep your focus on God and stay in prayer.  God will be your hiding place, source of power and strength. May the Lord keep you well.

 Read: Psalm 27, Psalm 91 and Ephesians 6:12-13

Move Expeditiously to Repent Today!

The great day of the Lord is near. All people around the world will be able to say “The Lord Came and Swept the Land.”  My friends no worries about what will happen in the White House, Congress, …and those who tried to destroy the city or even dismissed the Christian believer. Close your ear to people who want to discourage, cause confusion and discord with the people of God. Open your eyes, watch, listen for God and wait to see what He does.  God never left and is still working behind the scene. Wait on God to shift the view of the picture and move to rescue His people. Trust God and get into position. You are precious to Him and your value cannot be replaced at your appointed time.  We are better together — but greater with God.

The picture you see now, will not always be the story.  Hatred, false teaching, deceitfulness, assassins and slanderers will be censured by the Word of God.  God is so ardent about obedience and love.  Those who purposely hurt and cause people to fall shall pay the cost.  So, my friend pray, study the Word and keep your focus on God.  Stay in the light saints.

God knows everything.  He sees who, what, when, where and how of every situation.  Be encouraged and stand firm, understand you serve a living and loving God. Despite what man has done, God gives us a second opportunity to change.  If you decline His gracious offer to change —the end result is on the decliner.

Avoid compromising the Word and losing your Holinesses.  Know that there is a God who will take care of His people.  Hold on to Faith —See what marvelous things God will do.

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Read: Acts 2:37- 42, Colossians 3:15, Revelation 3:17, 1 John 1: 9 and Psalm 103

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Keep Your Praise

Good morning Saints,

Life is so precious and tomorrow is not promised. Live better today and give honor and praise to the Lord. Better days are ahead. While you have the opportunity today and every day—Praise the Lord!
Read: Psalm 145:2

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:
The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;
He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
                       ~ Psalm 103:1-12 (NIV)

Lesson from King David

  1. The urgency to avoid forgetting to bless God through your praise.
  2. God loves you deeply.
  3. Remember that God is a healer and deliverer.
  4. God cares about your physical and spiritual well-being.
  5. God did not give up on David—continue hold tight to your Faith and Trust God.

 The power of God is still your source of strength and hope. Stand on the promises of the Lord. 

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

King David Struggled too!

In you, Lord my God,

    I put my trust.

I trust in you;
    do not let me be put to shame,
    nor let my enemies triumph over me.
No one who hopes in you
    will ever be put to shame,
  but shame will come on those
     who are treacherous without cause.

Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.
Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love,
    for they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth
    and my rebellious ways;
 according to your love remember me,
    for you, Lord, are good.

Good and upright is the Lord;
    therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.
He guides the humble in what is right
    and teaches them his way.
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful
    toward those who keep the demands of his covenant.

                       ~ Psalm 25:1-10 (NIV)

Lessons of Observation

  •       He prayed God doesn’t remember his sins. (forgiveness)
  •       Plea to God for guidance. (show him the way)
  •       Asking for help. (leave shame behind)
  •       Tell of God’s good nature. (love and kindness)
  •       Assures God will help. (save and shield)

Allow God to teach you, lead you and protect you. Some trials are our lessons learned when we repent and go back to trusting Gods plan. Old things past; look forward for the new blessings coming your way. God has greater in store for you.  God desires to give you far beyond what you ever thought to ask Him for—He always passionate about you. Saints take the opportunity—follow where God leads you.

Stay focused and be blessed!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Think About It!

 Praise the Lord Saints for another day. Thinking a little differently today…All is well.  I am aware that the thought has crossed your mind for those who have followed me—is she for real? I decided to share this, so here is my story. Think for a moment…have you searched everywhere you could think of to find something? You checked and double checked—it is nowhere to be found. It is bothering you because you know you have it somewhere in a safe place.  So safe you cannot find it—Lol.  But in the mist you find something you did not expect and maybe thought was long gone. You are now thinking how, when, why is this here. 

I was looking for a photograph for the past two weeks and found something by surprise.  The photograph seemed important enough to keep searching for off and on over the two week period.  It really concerned me because I usually do not loose things in my own house for long—Lol. Okay, when we move or decide to do spring cleaning we get rid of old, broken, unused or things you no longer want. Seems reasonable, yes.  I did not realize some years ago this item traveled with me. It was mixed in with a few old things I decided to hold and revisit later to discard.  I tossed out a huge about of stuff and things mainly because I was believing in a fresh start.  I just thought this and that needed to go because I was getting ready to expect better. This one item was from a past experience that had some controversy and heartache that literally had me feeling like Paul with a thorn in my side. The harder I tried to move on, I accepted my part in the mess, never bitter but I could not shake this off. It seemed as if it was a gloomy cloud that would follow me like Pig-Pin from the Peanuts.  To my friend, (email me your question Felicia) you are not alone, I felt that way too. I have said this before, I am not being funny. A couple years following this mess of a situation I felt that I would not step out of the shadow of these bad moments. Yes, I call them “bad moments” because thank God they did not become permanent and take me out of the race. 

There was a time that seeing things from that period would give me sorrow and pain all over again. I knew I bruised the heart of God and that hurts deeply. I took my eyes off God and what he promised. I allowed myself to be fooled. We sometimes put everything on God but we know what he said. No excuses it appeared to be okay, because God would not let this happen or send me this. Neither you nor I can change the past or remain in it, but grow from it.  I thank God for his grace and mercy. Think about it—God does things with excellence, love and at the appointed time for all involved.  Often God allows your blessing to meet you without all the details and often where you least expect it.  I have waited too for my blessings and many have come where I did not expect. That is what’s so awesome about God, he never fails but you must stay aligned with Him.  Regardless, your focus is not on how, where, who or when.   Your focus is on the one who blesses and He will do you well—pray for your heart’s desire but know it may not come from where you think or what you thought it would look like. 

It is all in the past because God forgave me and I forgave myself. I tossed the item in the trash with no regrets or issue, I really did not think twice.  I can honestly say I have moved on because I can talk about, see things from that period without pause and no one can hurt or hold me in bondage over it.  Clean house my friend or clean up your mindset.  Leave old mistakes and regrets in the past.  Life gives us lessons to learn. But understand how wonderful is Grace when we error. Give God your heart completely and move on. Just so you know I still have not found the photograph.  There was a reason I did not.  I still wait for the some blessings to cross paths with me, all is well in the wait. May God continue to bless you mightily as you refocus, trust God and be open to the blessing when it knocks at your door or however God sees fit to do it.  #StayFocusedAndBeBlessed

Read:  James 1:7, Numbers 6:24-26, Ephesians 3:20, Psalm 37:4

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Designed for Greatness

 The Lord has set an open door and no one can shut it. We do not want to be in the wilderness of compromise and dead works in the time remaining. Keep God’s commandments and press to hold on to your crown. Blessed are those who hear the truth of the Word and seek to follow it. In due time the vision of the Lord will be recognized and there will be no mystery of His truth. 

Tune your ears and hear what the Spirit says. All things will take heed to the Glory of the Lord in the land. Holy is the name Jesus.  Today is our opportunity to move forward in the promises of the Lord. Why do we continue to delay the only plan that is already in motion? Forget about—what if, I should have, I could have and other missed opportunities. His entry will be one of power and glory.  The hour of cleansing is not known but it is guaranteed.  Will you get on board to a promise life? Position yourselves now and avoid the anxious times. God will deliver and grant more than you could imagine. God’s plan is designed for life.   

Read: Proverbs 29:18, Psalm 119:105, Hebrews 10:36

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Prepare Yourself

Good Morning Saints,

I am of few words today.  The pressing matter of work to do is still ringing in my ear.  But the main ingredient is Love.  I cannot stress how important understanding this four letter word is to your success.  When you understand the Love of Christ, all will come together in your life.  

Rise and Work with Urgency!

Offering a little encouragement and education can stimulate much needed hope and faith. Put all your trust in God — he will do what he promised and more.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ   ~   Philippians 1:6

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Living in Mess or a Spirit of Love

Hello Saints!  It is good to be back in conversation and refreshed.  Many of us have been pressing our way through the pandemic, racial uproars, and all kinds of family situations while trying to keep it together for others.  Well, sometimes you just need step behind the scenes to fast and and pray…you get the picture.  Well, let’s bring a sidebar conversation to the table. I know I am two weeks behind but I was redirected to back up a bit.  At some point or another we have all had one, two, three…bad encounters that left or caused a mess. Yes, we have been here before too.

Depending on where you are and your experiences, responses will vary about loving yourself and people.  Nothing new saints.  Understanding how and why you are required to love. Nothing you do will matter without true love. Nothing you say will matter without true love. Nothing you do will last without true love. It sounds punitive but think about what good did not remain steadfast in your life because it was not centered in love.  The things of God are always sustained in love. When we do things out of order and leave God in the rears we have a mess. We should leave the mess behind us.

I stated earlier we have all had a “mess of a situation.” It is nothing but unnecessary burdens you do not need. Staying in those situations will delay your full blessings. It takes too much energy to facilitate a “mess of a situation.” It purposely help you – master being distracted, enslave you to sin, setup to fail and suspend your blessings. Is it worth it? You have too much to lose and all God’s great blessings to gain. Your mess is a bad cancer that grows and feeds on sin. It can leave you with useless actions and string you along in a host of bad outcomes. When you are in so deep often you cannot see the destruction until things fall apart or someone is hurt. But God will turn it around. You must decide to repent and leave your old ways behind. God will – matriculate you into the body of Christ Lovers, elevate you pass the sin, save your soul and sanctify you again. Yes, he will do it.

You can win, you can win – believe it and receive it. You win when you see love in spite of. You win when love can be given and asked for nothing in return. You win when it is shared with everyone you meet.  That is the way of true love in Christ.

Have you enrolled and linked yourself to the wrong people, organizations, wrong ideas, speech and actions?  Nothing but the love of Christ Jesus will save you.  Repent for it, confess he is Lord in your life and open your heart to let Him in.  He will gladly show up and show out. Will you answer the knock at your door? Will you answer His call? Will you sit at His table? Invite the Lord in and see what great things He will do. You will never be the same or want to go back to a “mess of a situation.”  Today is your day! He has been waiting, let Him wait no more. God bless you and I love in Jesus name.

Remember the lessons in the book of Romans  
Read: Romans 12:1-2, Romans 12:9, Romans 12:12, Romans 12:16-17, Romans 12:21

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Experiencing Loneliness and Holding on to Holiness

My dear brothers and sister this season is troublesome and you may feel you are walking on tottering ground.  Remember there is nothing wrong with holiness and waiting on God.  You must absolutely trust God.  The loneliness and desire to be in the presence of others who may merely bring a temporary comfort.  These things are not part of your intended journey because you are single, divorced, widowed or never married.  Your time of being alone physically is the time to draw closer to Him.  You must patiently wait and stand firm on the promise of God.  The struggle is real but you must hold on for your blessing.  God has not left you and he can sustain you in your time of need. You have not been abandoned.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  ~ Romans 12:1-2

I am revisiting a past discussion briefly because of the on-going concern of staying focused and practicing self-control.  In the past few months some thoughts/struggles have arrived on the scene for some saints.  Remember all you have done to stay saved and live a chaste life.  I understand the fight and you are not alone. It is a cycle that tries to creep in during times of idleness and sometimes just before your blessings is due to arrive. It has become more of a challenge for some because we are beginning to become socially active again.  We have been tucked away in our homes with little social collaboration and the desire to be in the presence of others has heighten your sense of social contact.  Allowing your desires and bodies lead you will bring forth more trouble for a temporary fix. God created man to be compassionate and social beings. Therefore, he knows the hardship, desires of man, and already has it solved.

Humble yourselves to prayer and plant your energy into the work of the Lord. The Lord can and will deliver you, just trust Him. You are a treasure in God’s eyes, so beloved treat yourself as such. You can make it through with God leading the way.  Chose to disconnect yourself from those who will not honor holiness and hold you accountable.  Push back depression, unbalanced desire for physical enjoyment, emotional attachments, comfortable/safe ties in the wrong persons, and deteriorating self-respect. It is not Gods plan for you.  Peel back useless relationships, avoid tempting situations and guard your minds from the false idea of what you believe are small sins.  Well, there is no such thing as a small sin; its sin.  Reinvest in healthy friendships that help strengthen you and challenge you to do better. Pray, fast, and see your life in a more positive light. Grab hold to optimism, wisdom, virtue, God’s vision, and the love in a God who will make you whole. Give him every pain and void in your heart. Watch God change you and the issue to work in your favor. God’s got this, let Him rescue you.  You do not need to be a silent sufferer with a loving, graceful and merciful God to carry you through into the light.  Therefore, repent, request help, and rediscover God. My friend do not be surprised when God takes you to a new place you have yet to experience.  You will understand just how awesome He is in all things concerning YOU.  

Isaiah 41:10
Colossians 3:1 & 3:5
Romans 5:8
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Peter 1:15-16
May the blessing of the Lord continue to be upon you and keep you.

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Simple Thank You

Hello Fathers everywhere. Thank you for being our strength and
protectors from the start.

We looked up to you when you held our hands,
We smiled when you winked an eye,
We laughed when you were playing silly,
We sat on your shoulders when we could not see,
We made sad faces when you said no—
But eventually you gave in.

Thank you for many things you do every day.
Every memory helps us understand how important you are to us.
Cherished like no other is your father’s Love. Thank you for taking the time
to love us in a world so large.

Happy Father’s Day!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Are We All In?

We are given the choice to walk with Christ and live in the blessings that the Lord promised.  We have the opportunity to fully commit to a strong relationship with Christ.  His perfect strength gives us power. Even during our failures and willingness to do sin; God still loves.  He does his best to show us the way back.  Understand you are and your relationship will be different.  There are no two persons alike. Therefore, your task will be different and important. No maybe or excuses.  Are you all in?

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”  Philippians 2:13

‘For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”   Ephesians 2:10

Give God your best.  Pledge your heart and hands to work for Christ.  God desires that we live in harmony with all He created. Do you know the value of your purpose?  Choose to do the right things that bring joy to God and your sense of purpose.  Stay in prayer and excited about the work God has for you.  Be consistent in reading the Word so that God can reveal your purpose. He will provide guidance through your journey.  Trust God in all that you do to be successful for the kingdom. 

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”   Ephesian 3:20

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Life on Earth

Life on earth has many challenges, but we hold on to the witness of the life of Jesus Christ.  What does God’s Word have for you? Are you the blind man who now sees, the woman who suffered with the issue of blood or Saul the born again sinner?  Regardless, of how many years you have survived on this earth you must continue to grow in the Word.  The Word of God should encourage and enlighten you each time you open your heart to receive. What is for me will not be the same enlightenment to you in our individual journey.  The common factor will be the Love of Christ and through Grace we have a better outcome in life.  Read: Ephesians 4:7

When God gives clear direction we must be obedient.  It does not matter what the assignment is, follow God.  Whatever we face, God had gone before us and prepared the way.  Be strong and courageous. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Life on this earth is temporary, so make the best of your time here.  He is our source for protection and true love. Trust God in everything.  Your relationships, career, finances and anything else we use as an excuse.  God does not fail but we can bring failure or delay to our blessings by not hearing and doing what God asked.  The things of God do not bring the sins of lust or greed in anything he has predestined. God’s love is complete and not as man determines it to be.  When God says, remove yourself from the situation or give in your lack…do it because he already knows what is best.  God’s mission goes beyond living on this earth. God’s best awaits you, so go and be about your Fathers business. Do better to live better.

Keep praying for wisdom, holiness and God's perfect Will.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Your Story

It is your life story. What you obtain becomes what you do and how you move through your faith journey.  We have knowledge of the best teacher and example of success.

Church College

Church is my College,
Heaven is my University.
Jesus is my Principal,
The Holy Spirit is my Teacher.
Angels are my class mates,
The bible is my study book.
Trial & Temptation are my exams,
Winning souls are my assignments.
Prayer is my attendance and the crown of life is my degree,
Praise and worship is my motto.
Enroll today there is room for all and the tuition is free!

Author: Unknown

What will be your legacy? You are the primary keeper. What are you passing on for the greater good?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Be At Peace

Hello Saints,

I am just simply speaking from an observational point of view of my last few days out and what is ahead.  Many of us who are going out are probably watching people around you very closely.  Who would have thought that going to the grocery store could be so alarming and possibly have you feeling apprehensive. I have experienced persons not protecting themselves and completely having no concern for my personal space or safety. It is unfortunate that we are still at a point when several people walk around with no mask, no gloves, and do not practice social-distancing.  I have the same concern that several people have expressed to me regarding safety.  Will businesses disinfect properly and practice social-distancing properly.  Is it the businesses we need to be concerned about or the public? It is a challenging question.  I hold on to the following scripture. 

 “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.  I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”   John 16:32-33 (NIV)

I have been advising everyone to be proactive when it comes to venturing out.  Make wise choices and relax. Many of us have been alone for weeks and miss the interaction with other people we know. On the other hand if you are arriving to your destination tense, then everything someone does will have you react offensively instead of smart.  You are not required to visit any business that decides to open now.  You must believe and know that the service you are receiving will be safe. If going out to dine in at a restaurant makes you feel stress or uncomfortable, stay home or order take-out.  When you visit any business if it is crowded and you are not comfortable, try again later.  You will feel better shopping and go home with less anxiety.  Again, make wise choices that you can handle.

You must be your own advocate when it comes to your health and well-being during this time.  What you and I do while out in the public will affect others.  The best way to move forward is stay calm, stay in prayer and evaluate your situation in a positive manner. Sometimes we hold on to the negative because we are concerned about the unknown.  Avoid comparing your situation to others, be smart, and safe.  Maintain your hope. God is with us and all is well. 

 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”     Romans 12:12 (NIV)


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mother’s Everywhere

We appreciate you for all you do.  Your strength and tenacity made an impact on who we are today.

Thank you for being our …

Cheering Squad
Biggest Supporter
Travel Partner
Personal Counselor
Emergency Seamstress
Medical Specialist
Empathetic Listener

Most of all you were the light of Love that made the day. It is an honor today to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.                                                                                                        
Love You Much

Melissa Mitchell

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Plant Your Garden: Now Watch It Grow

God’s garden has no weeds and useless soil.  Plant your spiritual garden today. Remember the words of Paul, “we reap what we sow.”

Plant God’s Peace to move forward.
Plant God’s Wisdom and act accordingly.
Plant God’s Strength to endure.
Plant God’s Faith and hope grows.
Plant God’s Word to see eternity in your future.
Plant the Will of God and victory is yours.

“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, band break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.”   Hosea 10:12 (NIV)
Know that it is time to seek the Lord. Allow the seeds of righteousness to take root in our hearts to grow in grace.  
Plant your seeds and watch God allow it to grow.  Faith feeds Hope, Hope feeds Belief, Belief feeds Trust, and Trust feeds the Will of God.

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Special Message of Faith..

Good Morning Saints,

Keep the man servants of God, first responders, essential personnel and your families in prayer.  To be truthful, keep everyone around the world in prayer.  In honor of my spiritual father and friend who has gone on to Glory, I will be taking a brief period away from my postings on this site.  I will not be posting again until May 1, 2020. 

This is a brief excerpt from a message from Evangelist Missionary Marcietia S. Glenn.  A word of encouragement.

Why Should I Absolutely Trust God?

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”   Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
God is sovereign. We need to have faith and trust in a power that is unexplainable. God is bigger than anything we can encounter in this life.  We must remain faithful to God because he has never left us. We must trust him in our darkest moments because he will come through like a breath of light.

1. We must remain on the Wall.  Quitting is not an option.
2. The Spirit will never leave us where Grace cannot be found.
3. There is no other place safer than the hands and arms of God. Trust God at all times.   Psalm 62:5 -8
4. We must allow the God’s Glory to shine upon us.  Isaiah 60:1-2

Remember how God has brought you through before, He can do it again.  He has already made a way.

God bless you and take care. Thank you for following me on Increase Your Faith.

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

No not “thank God It’s Friday. But Holy Week Good Friday.  It can be a gloomy day, if we choose to view it through the eyes of the unbeliever.  To the Christian believer it is the day Jesus gave His All for us. It is that heartbreaking day He became the bumper for you and me. He took the wrath of sin for us.  Jesus died on the cross to give us the privilege to enter Heaven through Grace.  Saints why not Serve and Trust in the Blessed name of Jesus Christ.  Yes, he died but rose again in three days. Glory to God, Look out Sunday. 

Jesus conquered every pain, illness, struggle, and the mess of Satan.  Let go of man’s ways and grab hold of a life with Christ.  Walk with Him and You too can have absolute Victory in all your days.  There is nobody like Him, so won’t you try Jesus.  He will be the joy in your heart, the strength to your faith and the love you freely give.  Hallelujah! Give the Lord your best Praise.

God Bless You This Day and Every Day.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.  Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”  
               Psalm 100 (NIV)

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Sunday, April 5, 2020

I Have Yet Attained, but I Press On

We are all in some way without flaw.  No perfect human being exist on this earth.  Jesus is our perfect example of truth, love and compassion for all men.  Paul admits himself he is not perfect nor sinless. Christians should seek to have an attitude of holiness and obedience.  We are all a working progress.  Yes, we have not arrived. 

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”    Philippians 3:12 (NIV)

What this means to believers of the resurrection of Christ is simply focus on Christ.  Jesus Christ was our life saver and immediate covering that gave us the privilege to enter into heaven.  No one who walked this earth could have done it but JESUS CHRIST. Seek Christ and follow him completely.  The path has been set for you, trust the Lord and go forth.  There will be struggles and difficult times you must endure, but Christ is there.  Let Christ lead you and Go!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."   Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

Have you decided to follow Jesus?  His death and resurrection was for you.  Believers have no reason to not trust the Word of God and strive to be like Christ.  It is true we are still attempting to be more like Christ. Saints be humble and listen.  Wait on God and watch what He will do.  Lighten your cross with Christ and press on to a better life.  Jesus knows. There is peace, hope and help for us all.  God is still in control.  What will you do?  He has called, will you answer?

Always remember: Our God is FAITHFUL!  Who will you TRUST

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!   

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Time to Change: Managing What We Do Part 2

My last post was very direct and meant to spark an immediate thought process for you. It weighted heavy on my heart it would be taken harshly. I write out of what is shown and given to me. It was done out of love and concern.  My messages are always intended to encourage and enlighten. I hope that everyone is considering doing a self-check on how you can live better and increase your work for Christ.  We will move on with understanding the urgency of making a change in 2020.  The coronavirus (COVID-19) is another wound added to the fight to be right with Jesus Christ.  We will survive, and endure the aches of growth in time.

Give God praise and honor for another day. Today, you have an opportunity to rethink, recharge, and succeed in your new journey. Let’s take a look at managing our spending for this crisis and moving forward. Stay in prayer for guidance.

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”   ~ Zephaniah 3:17

Start with reviewing your spending habits. What type of items are we purchasing or services we are paying for currently?  Do a quick inventory of your purchases of “I wanted items” and “I/we needed items.” Do you see an unbalanced list of more “wants” compared to things that are truly needed? Decide what things you can start to eliminate.  Specifically, things you have not used in 9 months or more (e.g., gym membership).  Review service plans to consider a less expensive package, unless you use all the benefits consistently and they are needed. 

Spending on the absolutely needed items are your next challenge. Prices are on the rise due to the current state of the nation.  Use practical techniques to expand the use of your money.  Purchase food items that can give you a meal for 2-3 days. Yes, it will be time to take the tasty steak and crab cakes off the grocery list for a month or two.  Eliminate the five course meals to help reduce cost. Treat yourself with healthy snacks in moderation between meals as needed. Plan your meals for the week.  It will help you with purchasing only needed items when you return to the grocery store. The bonus will be that you can control the increase in your grocery bill on food purchases, not the price.

Warning to the online shoppers…stay focused.  Many companies are offering sales and deals on all kinds of items.  Be realistic with your spending. We are housebound for the moment. Think twice on things that you could have used when you were able to adhere to your regular daily schedule. Save it for later. Your regular budget is taking a big hit for a little while.

You can do this with confidence and grace.  No fear and no worries, put God first.

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”  ~Psalm 34:4

Always remember: Our God is FAITHFUL!  Who will you TRUST

Stay Focused and Be Blessed!